I’ve decided to call myself a Values-Based Online Business Manager because it’s one of the ways I think I’m unique. My special sauce, so to speak.
OBMs can be pretty right-brained, looking at business through the lens of ROI, systems, profit, efficiency, strategy, goals, plans, checklists. Don’t get me wrong… I do ALL of that! It’s a critical part of the job description.
But I also want to make sure that all of THAT is supporting the heart of the matter – your mission, vision, heart, your VALUES.
When I work with my clients, we look at your business through the lens of your values, so everything we’re building together supports your values.
What are Core Values?
So, what do I mean by VALUES? For some people the word immediately reads as moral standards or character. To be clear, I’m not using it in that sense.
Core Values is what is most important to you and your business. If you’re going against the grain of your values, you may feel uneasy or frustrated. If you’re expressing your values, you should feel inspired, grounded, fulfilled.
Core Values are NOT right or wrong. They’re preferences. They’re your unique guidance system as you navigate life and business.
So while I might value Order, you might value Adventure. While I might value Intention, someone else might value Results. This is what makes us all unique. Vive la difference!
Defining Your Core Values
To get to a list of Core Values, I like to do a journaling exercise and brainstorm, then narrow it down until I have a list of 3-5 words it’s crystal clear on what’s most important. Each of these words has a deeper meaning to me, but I simplify it into a single word, to focus the power of it.
I also make a separate list for my personal values and my business values. These are separate, but related and when it comes to your business, they both matter.
Your personal values are what you carry with you in all realms of life. Here’s mine for an example:
- Beauty
- Order
- Growth
- Depth
- Connection
Your business values are what you find most important related to your business. These are your core drivers, your motivating forces within your business. Here’s mine for another example:
- Clarity
- Intention
- Integrity
- Feeling Good
If you look at my two lists, you’ll see relationships between them, but one is what’s essential to me as a PERSON and one is what’s essential to me as a BUSINESS. As a founder, it’s important to have a clear sense of BOTH your personal and business values and consider them both as you’re building your empire.
How Personal Values Influence Your Business
Your personal values may not be the product you’re selling, but they’ll likely show up in your brand, your presence, your voice, how you communicate, etc. And if the business you build is in direct opposition to them, it’ll be painful. If you’re in harmony with them, it will be oh-so-sweet-flow.
Using messaging as an example… Growth is one of my personal values. How does that show up in my biz? I want to work with female founders who also value growth! People who are ambitious and seeking their next level. So I design my business to attract them.
How Business Values Shape Your Business
Core Values are your business DNA. They serve as a filter, to identify things you do or don’t want to do in your business. Your Core Values should show up in all you say and do and should attract the right people who resonate with that.
For me Clarity always comes first. I want to know what I’m doing and why before I run off and start throwing the kitchen sink at it. So before I start building systems for my clients, we’re going to be clear on the strategy and the plan.
But again, there are no right or wrongs here! It’s about knowing yourself and YOUR values. Your value might be Flexibility. You want to get started fast and just adapt as you go rather than define everything up front. How you show up in your business might be totally different than me because that’s part of your DNA.
What matters is that you KNOW your values and build that into all you do.
Using Core Values to Design a Business You LOVE
Knowing your own deeply-held values steers you through making decisions. That’s why if you’re my client you can expect we’re going to talk about your personal values and business values and they’ll be central as we’re designing your strategy, systems, management and operations.
Knowing your Core Values can help you:
- Align to what matters most to you – personally and professionally.
- Skyrocket your motivation and excitement about your business.
- Exude who you are, your brand, in an authentic natural way.
- Attract the RIGHT customers, collaborators and partners who are looking for what you have to offer.
- Avoid bunny paths or investing in things that aren’t a good fit for YOU.
- Pinpoint what ‘feels off’ in your business and WHY.
- Design a business aligned to how you want to live from the get go.
Interested in working with me as your Values-Based Online Business Manager? Chat me up. I’d love to learn more about you in a free Discovery Call.